Monday, July 7, 2008


We spent the night in Cherbourg Sunday, I don't know how to tell you how blessed we were. Everyone welcomed us with open arms. This picture is of "Uncle Robert" (one of my favorite names). He took us to the "Ration Shed. It is the same shed used to hand out rations during the time Cherbourg was a reserve. We would call it a reservation, as the Aboriginal people weren't allowed to leave. Cherbourg was one of the places people were "dumped" when the government wanted to move them from their land. The shed is now used as a cultural center, a place to learn about the past. After just a few minutes there I have a whole new understanding of what went on. I could talk for hours, but I won't. Make sure you ask one of the team members about it.

While in Cherbourg, Matt and I were featured on "US Mob" radio. The local DJ asked us why we were there. We had a great time in the studio as the rest of the team laughed at us from outside. As we left he asked us what song we would like to hear. With all the songs in the world to choose from, we picked "Lodi" by Credence. How cool are we?

As I write this we are in Eidsvold. The kids here are great. I will post again as soon as time allows.

God bless you all,

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