Monday, September 8, 2008

Where To Next?

We are officially back into our own "home" culture, finally reconnected with what is most familiar to us. During our summer, some of us were introduced (or reacquainted) with a different way of life. Whether it was life in Kenya, Samoa or Australia, we found a different way of doing things, but even more striking, a different way of looking at things. My hope, as one who helps design these kinds of experiences for others, is that even though we return to what is familiar, we will never return to doing things or looking at things like we used to. Our goal is not only that we help change the world in some small way, but that we will be changed as we open our eyes and hearts to what God is doing around us.

As we steam into the fall, we still have trips on our schedule. We will take a team to Atascadero (central California coast) in October, and a team to the San Carlos Apache Reservation (eastern Arizona) in November. The Atascadero team will work with a convalescent and retirement center, and the Arizona team will partner with Arizona Reservation Ministries. There are still a few spots open on each team, but they will fill quickly, so contact us if you're interested.

More importantly than where we are going is where you are going as you finish out 2008. Always remember that you don't have to get on an airplane, cross an ocean or acquire a passport in order to reach out. Your next "trip" may begin right outside your front door. We have talked about "sending servants" from KACC for several years now. Unfortunately, some still think that this means engaging in some herculean effort to travel halfway around the world in order to do what, in reality, you are called to do every day wherever you are. Your mission field is wherever God has you in the moment. So don't wait for some special call- you've been called AND placed! Make the most of it. And may you never be the same.

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