Really Down Under
As our summer is now here, we look forward to GO! Team opportunities with extended time in other cultures. Our Australia team is preparing to depart for Brisbane Sunday evening, the 28th, where they'll serve until July 6. I'll fill you in about that team and trip next blog.
But I wanted to let you know that I have gone ahead of that team, and will meet the
m in Brisbane next Tuesday morning when they arrive. I left last Sunday evening to spend some time in New Zealand before moving on to Australia. I made it to Christchurch, a city of 400,000+ Tuesday morning and met up with a team of three young church planting couples (pictured on right) who have come to this city on the South Island to establish a new work.
Partnering with South Pacific Christian Fellowship (www.s, and led by Hamish Taylor (himself a New Zealander, on left with Molly and Liam), this group arrived in April after an extensive search and refining process to determine where in NZ God would have them. Their goal is to launch a new congregation by February 21, 2010 and to see it at 200 or more by the following month. KACC is partnering with them in this endeavor, providing financial support and hoping to develop a relationship that will grow with them as they grow God's Kingdom.
I've been blessed with what I've seen and heard so far. We've driven through
the city (Christchurch Cathedral seen on right), seen the area they're targeting, prayed over a dozen different possible meeting sites they're looking at (ranging from schools, businesses, old church buildings, and taverns), and talked about their plans and process. NZ is much like Australia, spiritually speaking. The culture is considered post-Christian, highly secular, with only 5%-10% of people attending any church. Spiritual interest may be low, yet people are looking for ways to connect in meaningful relationships. This team spends much time developing such connections, that they may introduce the people of Christchurch to the One who desires a relationship with them like no other.
Please pray for this team and the ambitious challenge before them. Pray for open hearts and open doors. Pray for protection from the evil one in the midst of the battle. Pray for clarity of vision, provision of funds and team unity as they press on. And please pray for me as well, as I spend another day here before leaving, that I might see more clearly the role God has for us in possible support and encouragement of this project, and beyond.
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