I'm currently reading through the OT book of Proverbs as part of my daily dev
otional time with the Lord. I'm reading a chapter daily, concurrent with the day of the month (today I read chapter 10,
since it's Oct 10). Makes it easier for me to remember where I left off, and that's a nice help as I get older! I try to find at least one verse that jumps out and speaks to me for the day, and use it as a guide, since it is God's wisdom given to me.
Today there were a few verses and principles that spoke loudly to my heart and life circumstances, but I wanted to simply share one of them with you- Proverbs 10:9:
The man of integrity walks securely,
But he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Integrity is a crucial
issue for us, whether in the Church or in the world. Just look at the integrity issues being thrown back and forth in the presidential race. Someone said that integrity is what you do when no one is looking at you. It's how you conduct yourself at every twist and turn, whether or not anyone else knows it. The very word speaks to a wholeness in our being (remember the term integer in math class?), in which what we claim to be matches how we live out that claim.
Solomon reminds us that those who walk in integrity don't have to worry about being found out. They are secure because they walk their talk. They won't face the kind of destructive issues that plague so many others because their conduct keeps them away from in
volvement in things that come back to bite them. Conversely, the person who takes crooked paths (a picture of walking in sin and deception) will eventually be caught. Sooner or later his (or her) sin will catch up and responsibility will have to be taken. It usually happens in this life, since it's hard to keep our secret sins and paths secret very long. But even if we make it through our lives here with no one finding us out, we will stand before the One who sees it all- and there will be no way out of that one.
The challenge for me, then, is to walk in integrity, so there is nothing to be "found out" that would damage me or those around me. Keep my paths straight, keep my eyes straight ahead, keep my feet walking where they should and keep my destination firmly in focus. Not always easy in a world of crooked paths- but doable, with the help of God and my brothers and sisters.
Walk well this week!
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